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Tripsicle98's picture

Well im back , I passed my course and are now the youngest Senior Fire fighter in the country . It essentially was a week of pure hell , Just to name a few things we had to where Climb in and around a maze of just random shit in 75 degree Celsius heat , we also had to endure the pain of Compartment fire training (Just general hell ) . So yeah only really got a couple of photos of CFT because my camera died :( I couldnt take a photo of it because i didn’t have another one spare but it was quite badly disfigured . So yeah thats about it im glad to be back , i only came away with one injury (Record for me ) of a burnt hand . See you lot on the Battlefield

On the side of very hot Notice the Warped Visor

Notice the Warped Visor

PS it wasnt all shit we had a pretty mean water fight .


willow's picture


Training looks mad!! I did some firefighting in the UK during the Fire Strikes in 2002/03 but nothing as compared to your training!

Sha8doW's picture

that does look

pretty f-ing cool!

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